CORRECTION The New Biz column of the September 18 issue had some errors and lacked some contact information. Claire is not the founder of the Olympia Free Herbal Clinic; she… ☞
Clarification and update on West Central Park
After our editorial about the West Central Park being planned for the corner of Harrison Avenue and Division Street in west Olympia, we received the following note: “The groups behind… ☞
Correction/update from Issue 84
Correction: In the article on local candidates for public office in our last issue, we misspelled the names of some folks in Lacey. Jason Hearn is a Lacey City Councilmember… ☞
Errata 5-2-12
Disclosure: While our reporter was writing the April 18 article about the Olympia Film Society, she was also applying for the Executive Director position with OFS. We greatly regret that… ☞
CORRECTION: Former Mayor of Olympia Mark Foutch served 16 years on the Olympia City Council, not 12 like we said last issue. Sorry to shortchange you, Mark. Though that just… ☞
Correction: SNIP is open five days a week We messed up the hours of Snip, the hair salon featured last issue in New Biz Oly. They are open Tuesdays through… ☞
Errata & Clarifications, 10/6/10
Two clarifications relating to our coverage of the Olympia Food Co-op boycott of Israel: In a letter two issues ago, a writer discussed the “the $940,000 that the City of… ☞
Errata, 3/10/10
Corrections and clarifications: Multicultural Outreach Media In a list of our advertisers a couple of issues back, we misnamed Multicultural Outreach Media. That’s their ad to the right. Check ‘em… ☞
Errata 2/10/10
The show by Harlequin Productions at the State Theater is called End Days, not Days End. (And we’re idiots for getting it wrong.) It runs through February 20.
errata 1/27/10
Jo Gallaugher First we misspelled her name. Then we misspelled her email. So, once again, if you want to tell Jo Gallaugher about products and services that you would like… ☞