
  1. The GMO Debate: One organic Oly restaurant’s perspective

    The Mark

    When asked how important Initiative 522 is to her as a local business owner, Lisa Owen — owner of Olympia’s The Mark Restaurant, Washington’s oldest certified organic restaurant, established in… ☞

  2. Olympia Meat Collective offers butchery classes and access to affordable fresh local meat

    by Meta Hogan

    Want to undermine big corporations and factory farms, reduce your impact on the environment, improve your health, learn new skills, get your hands dirty, meet all kinds of people and… ☞

  3. New Moon Cafe “goes co-op” as the Black Moon Collective

    black moon collective

    Earlier this month, the secret that a handful of Olympia residents were waiting to divulge was finally let loose to the world: The New Moon Café is becoming Olympia’s only…

  4. Meet Your Food: Community Supported Agriculture

    By Paul Pickett   Right now I bet you are eating something. Maybe you’re having a burger piled with lettuce, tomato, and onions at your favorite hole-in-the-wall. Or you’re in… ☞

  5. Eat Vegan in Oly!

    By Leslie Baker   Downtown Olympia: You’ve got something for everyone! Arts groups and venues out the wazoo, every kind of entertainment, shops that are sexy and that sell smoking… ☞

  6. You Must Eat This!

    One man’s journey to find the best dishes served up in Olympia, and his strenuous efforts to tell you about them.  By John Nom-nini       No matter how posh, rustic,… ☞

  7. Nineveh Brings Mid-East Food to Oly Street

    By Zach Mandeville   One of the more pleasant sentences uttered the past two months has been, “Have you tried the new Assyrian food truck?” It’s always great when a… ☞

  8. Food Summit Focuses on Sustainable Food and Community

    By Robert Marino   Come to the Table: Food Summit South Puget Sound was held on October 14 and 15 in Olympia. The Summit, organized by volunteers, began on Friday… ☞

  9. Newsbriefs 11-2-11

    Edie and Ben Bean celebrated 55 years of marriage at Delifest a few years ago. photo courtesy of China Star

    Support EGYHOP with a blanket-piling contest! Come spend a (rainy?) afternoon at the Olympia Film Festival, help support the “best charity in the South Sound”, and take your shot at… ☞

  10. Get your Nosh on at Kitzel’s Deli!

    By Zach Mandeville   “Nosh. It means to snack. Like, let’s nosh on some appetizers until dinners ready.” I’m sitting next to Hava Aviv as she translates Yiddish phrases to… ☞