On February 6, The Olympian tried something new. “In my 30 years at The Olympian,” wrote senior columnist John Dodge, “we’ve never extended a communitywide invitation to the public to… ☞
Introducing you to new locally-owned businesses.. Sound Star Music Academy Skyler Blake’s whole life is dedicated to music. He started young in Monroe, playing guitar, coronet and… ☞
Last September, divers in Vancouver, B.C., noticed something strange happening to sea stars. Lesions appeared on the sea stars, their legs fell off, and finally they turned to white goo… ☞
Introducing you to new locally-owned businesses.. Encore Chocolates and Teas Dean and Carla Jones ran the popular Four Seasons Bookstore for 15 years. After semi-retiring in 2009, they found… ☞
In a move that has roller derby enthusiasts giddy, the JBLM Bettie Brigade and the M.I.A. Derby Girls have teamed up to procure a shared home arena. The Bunker, as… ☞
Introducing you to new locally-owned businesses.. OLY FLOAT Michael Redman was engaged in a financial services job that required commuting to Spokane. “I was losing sleep, worn out,” Michael… ☞
In response to the recent wave of legislation restricting reproductive rights, the Bush League decided to create a compilation from various artists called “Running Up That Hill: Kate Bush Covers… ☞
Dr. Thaddeus Gideon Hokum pulls the microphone to his face and addresses the audience: Friends, let’s tie it all up with an Invigorating Medicinal to keep you cruising through the… ☞
Olympia’s a good town for open mics. The ratio of musicians to population is high, amateurism is honored, and the open mic settings allow those on the stage and those… ☞
Why do theater companies choose the shows they do? In the case of it’s production of Educating Rita, Olympia Little Theater is fundraising. The Directors’ note, written by actor John… ☞
The House on Pooh Corner features this winter’s most dangerous cast. The group that director Pug Bujeaud and Olympia Family Theater have gathered to bring Olympia the story of Christopher… ☞
I was fascinated by Harlequin Productions’ choice to present a solo show without local talent. I must assume they felt the piece would draw audience members, satisfy subscribers, and was… ☞
C&C Astrology* Factory (Correlation & Causation) When god, free will, and happenstance are busy, they call me: John Swamini** * Less helpful than a day of binging on “House… ☞
(Correlation & Causation) When god, free will, and happenstance are busy, they call me: John Swamini** Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) You need to keep a tight watch over your… ☞
*Correlation and Causation. When God, Free Will and Happenstance are busy, they call me: John Swamini! Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Spend more time eating fried chicken… and not the… ☞
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) You need to challenge yourself today. The good news is since you are your own opponent; you’re going to win even if you lose. Taurus… ☞
(Correlation & Causation) When god, free will, and happenstance are busy, they call me: John Swamini** Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Don’t fret; things are way better than you realize…… ☞
Date/Time: 10/18/2013, 07:30 Hours Location: Sem II Coffee Shop, The Evergreen State College Incident: Ye Cutters Be Warned When a campus coffee shop offered free breakfast sandwiches for one year… ☞